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Folate (Vitamin B9) - DNA synthesis, red blood cell production

Folate (Vitamin B9) - DNA synthesis, red blood cell production

庫存單位: PL595

Folate (Vitamin B9) - DNA synthesis, red blood cell production

Folate, also known as Vitamin B9, is a crucial nutrient necessary for DNA synthesis and red blood cell production. It is essential for proper fetal development and is often recommended for pregnant women. Folate is also instrumental in maintaining healthy brain function, reducing the risk of heart disease, and preventing certain types of cancer.

Supplement selling points

  • Supports DNA synthesis
  • Promotes red blood cell production
  • Essential for fetal development
  • Helps maintain healthy brain function
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease
  • May prevent certain types of cancer

Best-selling products containing Folate (Vitamin B9)

When looking for a quality Folate supplement, it is important to consider the other ingredients as well. Some best-selling products include:

  • Vitamin B Complex 100 Supplement - Contains Folate, B6, and B12 for a comprehensive B vitamin boost.
  • Folate 1000mcg Tablets - A simple, high-potency Folate supplement.
  • Pregnancy Plus Prenatal Vitamins - A prenatal multivitamin that includes Folate, iron, and other essential nutrients for expectant mothers.

Ingredients and efficacy explanation

In addition to Folate, some supplements may also include plant extracts, minerals, and other raw materials for added benefits. For example, Vitamin B Complex 100 may include B6 and B12 to support healthy metabolism and energy levels. Pregnancy Plus Prenatal Vitamins are formulated to provide everything a pregnant woman needs for a healthy pregnancy, including iron for healthy fetal development and ginger to ease nausea.

Amazon sales trend analysis

Folate supplements have seen a steady increase in sales on Amazon over the past year. This may be due to growing awareness of the importance of folate for overall health and wellness.

Offline sales trend analysis

Offline sales trends for Folate supplements are not readily available. However, many local health food stores and pharmacies carry a selection of Folate supplements.

Direct sales and sales trend

Direct sales of Folate supplements are available from a variety of manufacturers and retailers. Sales trends may vary depending on the specific product and marketing strategy.

As with any supplement, it is recommended to consult a qualified healthcare professional before taking.

10 most frequently searched keywords

  • Folate supplements
  • Folate and pregnancy
  • Folate benefits
  • Vitamin B9
  • Folate and cancer prevention
  • Folate sources
  • Folate dosage
  • Folate deficiency
  • Prenatal vitamins with Folate
  • Folate private label


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